If you haven’t started freshening up for Fall, it’s not too late!
From adding fall and winter veggies to jumping on the war on weeds in your lawn, we’ve got an excellent list for you - courtesy of Robbi!
You’ve still got a small window for fall blooming bulbs!
Plant Fall and Winter veggies (lettuce, broccoli, collards, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc)
Freshen up your containers! Peppers, mustard, cabbage, kale, mums, aster, pansies, snaps, and violas are excellent options.
Dig & divide daylilies and peonies.
Deadhead some but not all perennials - You’ll want to leave some seed for your birds! Blackeyed Susan and Coneflowers are a good option for them!
The war on weeds starts now! Now is the time to pre-emerge your lawn to prevent winter weeds, especially annual bluegrass.
Be on the lookout for pruning needs. You want to watch for damaged or diseased wood in trees and shrubs. Also, you want to prune suckers! Ex. crape myrtle and weeping cherry. We encourage you to over prune evergreens, as we may have warm weather and want to avoid regrowth in the winter.
STOP fertilizing plants - roses,camellias, rhododendrons, etc. Don’t forget to water, though. We may still get dry spells in fall and winter.
Re-edge your beds! Make a clean edge around your beds to better define them.
As always, if you have any questions, we encourage you to give our garden center a call for all your fall questions, concerns, and needs!